Why would you give up all that you’ve studied or worked so hard for once you hit a certain life stage and decided to pursue what really makes you happy?
In Part 2 of my interview with Chinese American documentary filmmaker Hao Wu, he talked about giving up the traditional notion of success. Making money. Making parents proud.
Instead, he chose to listen to his heart.
This is a story about pursuing what’s deeply fulfilling for you.
Music used:
One in a Billion Theme Song by Brad McCarthy
Which That Is This by Doctor Turtle
Xi by Andy G. Cohen
Descent of the Goober Monster by Jesse Spillane
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“One in a Billion” is listening to #China, one person at a time.
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What will you find if you bank on the Internet to fulfill your desire?
How much money will you spend to make your dream come true in this digital universe?
In this 2-part interview with Chinese American documentary filmmaker Hao Wu, he talked about “The People’s Republic of Desire” - a film about live-streaming in China.
It’s a story about the human longing for fame and fortune, as well as love and connection.
Music Used:
One in a Billion Theme Song by Brad McCarthy
I Will Not Let You Let Me Down by Josh Woodward
You Um Ill Ah by Doctor Turtle
Space Full by Andy G Cohen
We want to include you in this conversation.
To send us your comments or stories, just go to our Facebook page or our website at OneinABillionVoices.org under “Pitch a Story.”
Share your thoughts? Pitch me a story?
“One in a Billion” is listening to #China, one person at a time.
Subscribe to “One in a Billion” below: PRx | iTunes | SoundCloud